Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Message me if

So, I haven't written in a while. Here's an update: I live in New York now. Enough with the updates. Here's what I'm here to talk about.
I've recently re-joined OkCupid in hopes to meet some boys, date, get a boyfriend and have my family stop hounding me about why I hang out with so many gay dudes. I can't help it! They love me cuz I'm classy, brassy and sassy.
Anyways, so the first time I joined OkCupid, I talked to some dude who thought I was funny and then turned out to only really want to hang out with me to write down my jokes. Ok.... weirdo. And after several failed attempts at talking to guys by sending them witty (at least to me) messages, I decided "fuck this" so I left.
Now that I'm in Brooklyn, I figured "what the hey, let's give it a go again..." Now here's where I get to my point: a lot of these dudes are like "message me if you find me interesting" or "message me if you think we'd have a nice conversation" or "message me if [insert witty smart thing that Aileen would find super cute and interesting and lead me to believe that if I indeed wrote you a message you would reply]". THESE ARE ALL LIES. Either that or the shit I'm writing these dudes is totally freaking them out and they're running away screaming.
Alls I gotta say is this is annoying. Write me back fuckers. At least with a note that says "listen bitch, you sound crazy so this is the last you'll hear from me."

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