Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finding a job sux.

So, I've finally done it. I'm finally looking for a job because I. Am. Pooooooooooooor. And my dear friends are so helpful and understanding and supportive but I will no longer be a mooch. Bring it on job world! I'm ready for you!!! Except I'm really scared of you!!!! And all your requirements!!!! And things like "please email us a recent picture" and "NYC experience needed"!!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEND YOU A PICTURE!! AND WHAT IF YOU JUST MOVED HERE ASSHOLES?! So, I'm basically trying to get rid of my fear of rejection and learning to accept the fact that people will say no to me in one way or another.

Just please... someone say yes.
Cuz I.

C'mon job gods. Smile onto me.
Please and thank you.

1 comment:

Rabert said...

Love the post you got a yes from me.
When can you start?