Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 2!!!

My fridge makes funny noises sometimes...
Day 2!!
So as predicted, my stupid senna tea didn't get crackin' until about 2am.
Alls I want is to sleep through the night.
But at least something is leaving my body, even if it is at god awful times in the morning.
But needless to say, my alarm went off at 7am this morning and I felt awesome.
I felt rested and ready to go.
I decided just for good measure I'd sleep and extra 30 mins since I had deprived myself a good hour at 2am.
7:30am came around and I was ready to take on the world.
I showered.
Got dressed.
Made myself my "lemonade" for the day and was joined by my roommate Juan.
He has been very supportive with my whole endeavor.
He always asks if I pooped.
That's nice.
He made himself eggs with ham this morning which of course I salivated over whilst I feverishly juiced my lemons.
But it was a good start to the day.
Lettus was fine.
Everyone at work is also very supportive.
Joey, our baker, who is flaming but absolutely fabulous, tries to be annoying by talking about food and such but it really doesn't bother me.
Luis, another fabulous co-worker of mine who has done the cleanse too, was most helpful in my questions when it comes to the, ahem, "release" part of the cleanse.
I complained that I felt the tea wasn't potent enough and was gross.
He said he loved the tea!  That he even had some last night.
I asked if he'd tried the saline solution.
He said he's not that fond of salty things so, no.
But that he's heard that the saline is very effective.

I got off work a little early and my cousin Gaby and her girlfriend Jen came by with a little puppy they are taking care of until they take him to Jen's stepmom's house in Arizona.
They told me stories and such about the puppy whilst feasting on burgers with:
blue cheese.
grilled onions.
And of course, lovely sides of:
sweet potato fries.
skinny cut french fries.
All of which I stared at while they conversed with me.
I don't think I looked at their faces once while we talked.
I sat there and looked at the puppy.
And their food.
And my "lemonade".
And their food.
And their food.

They gave me a ride to the grocery story where I bought more maple syrup and lemons, which let me tell you, go by fast with this cleanse.
I came home, chatted with Juan a bit and made myself my first saline solution.
So, a.) absolutely disgusting.
      b.) my gag reflex is way sensitive.
so a+b= almost yaking every time I took a gulp.
32oz. to be exact.
That's a lot of saline.
But I did it.
Most of it.
And it worked!
WAY faster and more efficiently than stupid ass senna tea.
But I will alternate between the two because I don't think my stomach lining will appreciate all that saline.
I'm just hoping that since I got it done early, I won't be waking up at 2:30 am looking for the toilet.

Some things I noticed today that were different from yesterday:
-My mouth definitely had a weird taste throughout the day.
 I'm assuming it's toxins just falling out of my tongue.
Joey, the baker, says it's my tongue cleaning it's palate.
-I had to wear a belt with my size 12 jeans today.
That's definitely a first.
-My skin is having little break outs.
Yeah, get out fuckers.  
No one needs you around here.

I'm excited for day 3 and am still looking forward to DAY 10!!!!

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