Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello day 3.

I woke up tired unlike the past two days.
But went on with my day as usual.
I was pretty grumpy throughout the day but kept it mostly to myself trying not to be a huge bitch.
My sense of smell has become highly acute lately.
Which only makes it harder for me.
I'll walk in to the walk-in fridge just to smell everything I could.  
Basically trying to eat with my nose.
I got off work and came home and of course as I walk in a lovely smell wafts at me and I ask Juan what it is he has cooked.
Holy shit does food smell good.

Yesterday I wan't able to drink my entire 32 oz of saline solution.
But today I did.
I'm worried.

Other than that I've been trying to stay positive and happy.
It's working so far.
I wish I had weighed myself before I started though.  
I'll find a scale tomorrow.

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