Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My First Cleanse....

you read right.
Master Cleanse, to be precise.
10 days.
No food.
Just water
with lemon
maple syrup
and cayenne pepper.
And my fave,
Senna Tea.
Now, if you don't know what Senna Tea is, I'll tell you.
Senna Tea is a (get ready for this) laxative tea.
Good times.
But other than the horrible things that come from only drinking liquids (one of which gives you, well, you know...) I am very excited!
I began thinking about doing this cleanse for weight loss purposes.
But after reading up on it, I'm super duper excited about other lovely outcomes (no pun intended):
Good skin!
Clear mind!
Cleaning out things that have been in my stomach for God knows how many years!
Will power!
Will power!
For some reason the thing I'm most excited about is getting through the whole 10 days.
Some people I know did it for 5, maybe 6 days but you know what?
I quit eating cheese for 3 months last year and that was the hardest thing I did for a really long time.  
So I can do 10 days.
I CAN DO 10 DAYS!!!!
I know I'm going to feel wonderful afterwards and even look pretty good too so killing two birds with one stone is something I'm all about.

Anyways, in all of my reading of this cleanse, it was highly recommended to keep a journal.
I figured this could be a way for me to finally use my frickin' blog.
As this cleanse focuses mostly on, ahem, "releasing", I'm going to spare all of you the details and keep it pretty vague on that aspect.
So, here goes!

Today is day 1.
Yesterday was my ease in day.
Which basically means I had miso soup and veggie/fruit juices all day long.
At night I had my senna tea.
I drank it at 8pm giving me some time for it to work and go to bed with no problems.
Um, yeah.  
That's when it worked.
Not cool senna tea.  
Not cool.  
Today I chugged my mixture from my bottle all day.
Now, I work at a restaurant.
Behind a lovely display case full of baked goods and treats.
When those treats break, we like to indulge ourselves.
So it's become kind of second nature to reach over and grab broken cookies and shovel them in my mouth.
Today I realized how much my mouth and stomach control my hands.
Having to stop myself all day long was very eye opening.
Luckily, it wasn't really crazy at work, so for the most part I drank my mixture, drank water and tried not to think of food.
I'm now home brewing my lovely tea and hoping that this time it doesn't kick in at frickin 4am.

I will look over my lines for my new show, read a little of my book and relax and let the days go by.
Day 10 will be here soon.
And I will have won.